
6 Weeks Old

Jack will be 6 weeks old tomorrow. He just gets cuter and cuter, if I do say so myself. He's now smiling at us, which has made both Jason and I cry - it just melts your heart! He's having more and more awake time during the day and makes great eye contact and follows us (and other objects) with his eyes. He is getting so strong and is now not only sporting a double chin, but also some adorable Michelin Man arms!

I went to the doctor last week and got the all clear from my surgery - no more lifting or activity restrictions, which is nice. Jason and I also celebrated our 3rd anniversary on Wednesday - very exciting! We had a low key night, with dinner at El Maguey, our favorite Mexican chain.

I gave up dairy products three weeks ago to see if that would help with Jack's spitting up and fussiness. That is no easy feat - there is cheese in everything!! We decided this weekend that it didn't make much of a difference, so I'm slowly adding the dairy back in. If he starts to get worse, I'll gladly cut it back out (anything for my baby boy!) but if it's not making a difference, I'm not going to make the effort. Those who know me well would be shocked to hear I haven't had a bowl of ice cream in three weeks!! Phew!

Here are some pictures from the week. My goal is to capture a big ol' smile, but I'm still working on it.

All stretched out:
Our chunky monkey:
Bath time - poor little guy STILL has his umbilical cord stump (Yes - he's almost 6 weeks old!!!), so it's only sponge baths STILL!!Jack and Nathan Mincher - our little Cards fans:

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