
No Progress Yet

I had my 37-week checkup yesterday. I thought I was getting one last ultrasound, but I didn't, so I guess I misunderstood. It's probably for the better - I would hate to accidentally find out Fletch's sex 3 weeks before he/she arrives, although we're dying to know!!

Everything is fine. My belly measures 36.5" which is right on schedule and I'm up to 29 pounds. That seems like a lot, so I did a little research - it's kind of crazy to see where all this weight gain comes from:

Average Breakdown
Uterus 2.39 lbs.
Breasts 1.0 lbs.
Blood 3.09 lbs.
Water 4.15 lbs.
Fat 8.27 lbs.
Subtotal 18.89 lbs.

Fetus 7.5 lbs.
Placenta 1.6 lbs.
Amniotic Fluid 1.97 lbs.
Subtotal 11.07 lbs.

Total 29.96 lbs.

My uterus alone gained over 2 pounds?? I have an extra 3 pounds of blood in me right now?? Nuts!

The doctor checked my cervix and it is still closed. I was really holding out hope that I would have a least a little dilation, but my wishful thinking was crushed yesterday. Just have to be patient, Fletch will be here before we know it. The bright side is I can get more done at work before the big day.

My doctor is on vacation next week (another good reason not to go into labor too soon), so I'll skip next week's visit and go back Monday, August 3.

1 comment:

The Hazletons said...

He/she's too comfy in mommy's tummy!!! :)