
Charlie's Injury

The day after I got back from Texas, we had a little mishap at our house.  Kelly, Greg and the kids were in town (more on that in the next post), and I was off work because it was Thanksgiving week.  We were getting ready to meet my family for lunch when Charlie apparently decided to go downstairs to get something (which he does all the time with no problem).  We're not entirely sure what happened, but he fell somehow and tumbled down most of the stairs.  He could move his arm, but wasn't able to lift his arm above his head without crying and wincing.  So we dropped Jack at the restaurant with my family and took Charlie to the Mercy Hospital Pediatric ER.

We gave him some ibuprofen before we left the house, so by the time we got to the hospital he wasn't really in pain.
 We got him his second-ever Lunchable out of a vending machine, since we skipped lunch...
 Then he got an x-ray of his shoulder....
 And he had a fractured right collarbone.  It's a little hard to see in the x-ray below...
The poor baby had to wear a sling on his right arm for three weeks.  He was a trooper and didn't complain much.

This is one of my favorite ever pictures of Charlie.  Such a pathetic little face.  And those lips...
After the three weeks were up, he went back and got a follow-up x-ray at the pediatrician's office.  They said he was not quite healed, but it looked much better, so he was allowed to ditch the sling.  This was the first broken bone of our family, and we hope it's the last!

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