
Babies Everywhere!

The Ashers had people over last night and there were literally babies everywhere...and a few big kids too. Of course we had to take some pictures! Little Nathan was feeling under the weather, so Jack was the only boy.

Jack and his harem:
Oldest to youngest: Addison, Maggie, Jack, Zoey and Reghan:Love this - notice Addi and Jack checking each other out:And....they're going in for the smooch:All the mommies holding each other's babies (Kate w/Addison Asher; Jill w/Reghan Lade; Chrissy w/Jack; Melissa w/Maggie Neu and me w/Zoey Kuehler):
Asher family photo (Greg, Melissa, Addi):Family Neu (Aidan, Bobby, Connor, Jill and Maggie):Jack was having trouble falling asleep over there, so he and I came home. He kept getting really mad in his crib, and when I'd go in to check on him, he'd be on his belly (he's never done that in bed before). He did that 4 times!! Finally I had to rock the poor little guy to sleep at 9:00 (WAY past his bedtime!).

Also, another mini accomplishment...for weeks now he's been grabbing his pacifier and trying to put it in his mouth, but I've never seen him do it successfully. Yesterday when I picked him up from Grandma's house, he spit it out on the way home, and a few minutes later, I looked in my mirror and he was happily sucking away again. Big boy. It would be great if he'd start finding it when he spits it out in his crib too!!

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