
Charlie's Accident and Other Updates

Let me begin this post with saying Charlie is 100% fine, BUT we did have a little scare last week.  He was sitting in a booster seat on Thursday when the whole kitchen chair fell forward.  He hit his head and had a red mark and small bump on his forehead, just over his right eyebrow.  We watched him closely but he didn't show any signs of head injury.  However within a few hours it was clear that he wasn't putting any weight on his left leg - eek!  When I called the doctor they said to bring him in.  They did an x-ray, which came back negative, so they said it was probably just a tissue injury or bruised and tender.  By Saturday afternoon, Charlie was back to normal using both legs equally.  Phew, what a relief!!

Charlie getting a leg x-ray
In other (and much happier) Charlie news: he's pretty much sitting up!!  We started with sitting with the Boppy pillow around him and he did great.  Then Monday night I took away the pillow and voila! he sat for a solid minute unassisted.  All week he's been sitting on his own for longer and longer stretches and tonight he sat for a good five minutes before toppling.  Wowzers!

The big guy has been cruising through the veggies and loving every bite.  He's now eating sweet potatoes, acorn squash and peas.  I'd say peas are the favorite thus far - he gobbles those down!!
Acorn squash

This look is very deceiving - he LOVES the peas!
The only other Charlie update for now is that I finally decided to take a stand against the cradle cap that has been plaguing him for months.  I shampooed him with Selsun Blue Saturday then spent our nursing sessions over the next couple days picking the scales off with a fine-toothed comb.  Sadly, chunks of his baby hair came out during this process, but I figure if the hair came out that easily, it was destined to fall out anyway.  I also gave him a little trim on top - the hair on the back part of the top of his head were getting a little long.  Jason was convinced he was headed for his big brother's hairstyle (see below), so I went ahead and trimmed it.
Jack in January 2010 demonstrating his crazy hair!

1 comment:

klvail77 said...

Yay for Charlie's sitting skills! I see that he's playing with the peacock toy we got him, love it!