

Jack has officially transitioned to the toddler classroom at day care. He's now in a classroom with 1-2 year olds with new teachers, one nap/day (he had already transitioned to that at school), routines and the biggest change in my book....sleeping on a cot!! My big boy! He's doing really well. The first few days were a little rough - the kids generally transition over a week, but since Jack is only officially there for two days (Wednesdays are considered "back-up care"), he only had two days to transition. Day 1 he went to the Comets room for one hour. And he cried for one hour. Not a great start! Day 2 was much better, and he cried a little, played a little and cried some more. He ate lunch with the Comets and even took a nice long nap there.

Then his first official day came (last Tuesday) where I had to drop him off at the new classroom. Meltdown city! And Jack was not the only one crying, I hate to admit (though are you really surprised??). He did OK, and they figured out giving him his pacifier (which he is completely weaned from at home - doesn't even sleep with one) and his lovey made him more comfortable. Whatever it takes (though they are already given it to him less and less, which is great)!

We now have 4 full days as a Comet under our belt and each day has gotten better and better. Today he didn't even cry when I dropped him off. He's sleeping like a champ on his cot - 2.5 to 3 hour naps each day - and has brought home artwork a few days already (photos below). Consistent with the Clouds (infant) room, we get a sheet each day telling us when he napped, what he ate and when his diapers were changed. Every day his teacher, Ms. Jill, makes fun little comments on his paper to tell us what he did and how the day went. Here are some examples:

Today: "No tears at drop off! Yeh! We played with shape sorters and play dough! Perfect day! Jack loves to dance!! So cute!"

Tuesday: "We had flashlight fun! Excellent day back! Lots of hugs & kisses from Jack - cute"

I love it!

Here are his masterpieces:

Bingo dobber artwork
Pasta glued to construction paper
Isn't our toddler crafty??

And here he is sleeping on his cot (I received this picture in the middle of the day from his teacher on his first full day - it made my day! I love technology!):

1 comment:

mennacenice said...

very cute...the parents are so blessed to have that baby...