
December 2016

We went to visit Santa on Nora's actual birthday.  We stuck with our usual spot: Bass Pro Shops, and it didn't disappoint.

We kicked off our December with a bang - a few days after Nora's first birthday, we left for our first trip to Disney World.  We took both grandmas with us to help out, and we had the BEST trip!!  I made a whole separate book covering our trip, so I won't talk much about it here.  We can't wait to go back!!

Jack had a 1st grade musical, which was so cute!
He's hard to see, but top row, second from left with his arms around the bar behind him
 We made gingerbread houses one day and the Lang family Christmas tree cookies another day.  I realized after the fact that I accidentally gave the boys gel food coloring instead of icing to decorate with.  The result was VERY blue mouths.  Whoops!!

Nora was NOT happy when I took away the icing food coloring

Some other fun in December...

We also had a really great Christmas.  Nora didn't quite get into opening presents, but she did love her new kitchen.

After Christmas we had some fun too...lots of Legos to assemble..
A play date with the Pressons at Sky Zone...

And we had a fun New Year's Eve with the neighbors at the Minchers' house.

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