I finally got around to scanning the ultrasound pictures, so here's my update from Tuesday's doctor visit. Everything is looking good - the baby's heartbeat was 140 (boy heartbeat) and his/her head is down still, which is a good thing, but doesn't necessarily mean that will be the case in 9 weeks. We watched Fletch moving his/her hands all around on the ultrasound - it was fun!
Fletch is moving all the time now, only now when he/she moves, my whole stomach moves with him/her. It's wild! I am still feeling good, but starting to get tired more easily. This is my busy time at work (for two more weeks), so that may be playing a part as well, but I just have much less energy than normal. My other ailment is still my tailbone. I am sitting on a doughnut at work, which I think is helping some, but it still kills me after a long day of sitting in my desk chair. Again, the longer hours probably aren't helping me in this department either. The good news is, it feels fine in the evenings and weekends when I'm not sitting in a chair constantly.
Furniture update: the crib and dresser shipped Wednesday - the day after I ordered them. Now THAT'S how it should work! Expected delivery is June 18th - can't wait! The changer will not ship for several more weeks, but I'm happy to have the two big pieces so I can get going on the nursery.
Here are a couple of the ultrasound pictures - we got a lot of good ones of Fletch's face.
This is a profile shot kind of looking down on Fletch. He/she is facing left.
This one is Fletch's torso, again facing left and we are looking down on him/her. At the top right, you can see his/her little nose and chin, then at the top across the middle is the right arm and hand. The middle is the chest/belly and the bottom is the left arm.

1 comment:
It's hard to tell, but my gut from the pics are "boy"!
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